I've learned by now to be quite content whatever my circumstances. I'm just as happy with little as with much, with much as with little. I've found the recipe for being happy whether full or hungry, hands full or hands empty. Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am.
Philippians 4:12-13 (The Message)

Monday, October 12, 2009

Weigh in

Okay, so I am going to start this journey... hopeful this time to make lifestyle changes not just diet.

Weight- 195.7

Ugh!  It is out there!  I way that much!!! 

Let's hope that by next week's weigh in I will see a difference!

The journey begins

I have a picture of me at my absolute skinniest.  Of course, it is from high school.  I am tiny, in a bikini and you can see my rib cage. I notice my tiny bird-like little wrists. You can see my collar bone jutting out a bit. My shoulders are narrow. But that was 15 years ago, of course I am not that size any more. 

Gradually I put on weight during college, all my clothes get tight and I go up a size or so.  But I stayed pretty steady with weight during college, never creeping to the OMG stage. 

My weight goes up and down. I get married. I have twins, then 18 months later another one. Maternity clothes, transition clothes, baggy t-shirts, elastic waists, etc.  After my last pregnancy, I dropped all the baby weight and then some, fitting into those clothes that were hanging in the back of my closet.  I felt so good!  I was exercising, eating well. 

BUT then, our life transitions began.  My husband took a job in another town which left me two hours away with three kids to care for full time and work full time.  My weight ballooned.  I stopped stepping on the scale.  I ate emotionally at night.  I was just too tired to care about myself.

And now, it is a year later, I thought being together as a family would help me get motivated and get in shape.  But then, there is the stress of having a mortgage in a home you don't live in and renting a tiny apartment and caring for three toddlers and, and, and the list goes on.  

I start out every Sunday night by setting out my exercise cloths.  I set my alarm to go off and think okay, tomorrow will be the day that I begin.  But like all challenges, something happens.  Last night it was a coughing three year old that had to sleep on my chest on the couch.  So, of course when the alarm went off I turned it off and moved to the bed with my little one for another 2 hours.  

I want to begin a diet and exercise program. I really do. I think it would help me feel better, keep up with my three little toddlers. Being in better shape would help me enjoy all the outdoorsy stuff I used to love.

But everytime I try and set some sort of goal I get scared, freeze up and pig out on whatever snacks are in the house. I want to be healthy, not a scary skinny super-model. I want to be happy, not hungry. I want to enjoy my life and enjoy my family, not be some exercise facist and give my kids' some sort of complex. But everytime I put myself into the mindset, my brain goes back to the bad place, where I am always trying to lose weight.

So here's the thing... Can I be healthy fat? Can I just say, it doesn't matter what size clothes I wear? Can I just acknowledge that clothing size is an artificial construct of the fashion industry? Can I ignore my weight when I am in exercise and diet mode? Can I just move my body because I want to? Can I stop fantasizing about buying a bathing suit in some other color than sold black when I magically lose "all the weight"? Can I just be present, in this body, and be thankful to it for two healthy miraculous pregnancies and not deride it's stretch marks and saddlebags?

Can I thank God daily for another day and be grateful for this body He has given me?  Maybe if I start there, then maybe I can trust God to get me through, to give me the strength to start this weight loss journey, but not for the weight, for health! 

I really don't know. But I am going to try.